Designer, Frontend and Backend Developer
I design and code amazing things and I love what I do.

Hello, I'm Agus. Nice to meet you.
Since I began my journey as a designer and programmer, I have worked on several projects in order to learn and nurture my skills and knowledge. I am quietly confident, naturally curious, and perpetually work to improve day by day in my profession.
Know more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.
I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.
What design?
UX, UI, web, applications, logos
Front-end Developer
I like to code things from scratch and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser with good designs.
What development?
Applications, Websites, E-commerce
Back-end Developer
I love coding and structuring a solid Back-end side. I love building robust and efficient systems.
What development?
Databases, MVC architecture patterns
My Last Works
Here are some of my latest created projects

Complete redesign of the entire Columbia Viajes site
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Admin panel of the Airfare Engine V4
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It is a personal finance application. The idea is to help and train the user in organizing their expenses.
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The official website for the FranjZ Youtube channel. This project is an E-commerce programmed in Procedural PHP and MySQL.
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The people I have worked with have said some very nice things...